LCHP Releases Report on Land, Endowments, and Ethics: Unpacking the Historical Legacy of UC Real Estate Investments

The Luskin Center is dedicated to creating a new type of research that adds historical context to urgent and relevant policy issues. We are also committed to harnessing the exceptional talents of our undergraduate and graduate student researchers. Additionally, we strive to critically examine our own university environment and system as whole.

Together, this report provides critical and constructive insights into the institution we call home. We hope that a thorough and honest exploration will guide us toward a better and more just UC-wide community. As always, we welcome your feedback and input on this significant body of research.

The History of the University of California’s Real Estate Investments

This report explores the UC’s significant investment in Blackstone, a real estate trust that generates profits by raising rents and housing prices—outcomes that have a direct impact on many UC students and faculty. It prompts an examination of the UC system’s funding history, its investment strategies, and the ethical implications of its financial decisions. It reflects the balance between financial strategy and social responsibility within the realm of higher education.

This report was written by a team of UCLA student researchers and Ph.D. students who conducted research over the past year and a half. They include John Schmidt, Abbie Cohen, and Samuel Feldblum.

To read the paper, click [HERE].

Listen to report authors Samuel Feldblum, John Schmidt, and Abbie Cohen in a conversation about their report in the podcast episode below.