5 Interviews with Professor and Nickoll Family Endowed Chair in History Brenda Stevenson about Latasha Harlins

Professor and Nickoll Family Endowed Chair in History Brenda Stevenson was featured in 5 separate interviews regarding the death of Latasha Harlins prior to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. The links to the interviews are below:

Latasha Harlins’ death and why Koreans were targets in the ’92 Riots (KPCC)

#SayHerName: The LA Uprising, 25 Years Later (AHA)

Say Latasha Harlins’ Name  (Fusion)

Los Angeles 1992. Who gets to tell the story? (Documentary by ktown92)

The L.A. Riots: 25 Years Later (The History Channel)

In addition, Brenda has written an op-ed piece:
