Please join us for the LCHP opening event:.
“Reparations for Slavery: History and Current Debate”
Ana Lucia Araujo (Howard University)
October 10, 2019
4:00pm-6:00pm | UCLA School of Law, Room 1314
This lecture explores the notions of symbolic, material, and financial reparations and how a variety of social actors have demanded reparations for slavery and the Atlantic slave trade over the last three centuries in different slave societies and societies with slaves in the Americas. The lecture examines the recent resurgence of demands for reparations for slavery in the Caribbean and the United States.
The LCHP “Reparations in Context” Series explores different global contexts in which reparations have been proposed as a tool of restorative justice. It seeks to link history and policy by exploring past cases and considering best practices in the future.
*Please note that the room has a maximum capacity of 50. Seats will be first come, first serve.
Co-sponsored by the UCLA Center for Africa Studies, the UCLA Latin American Institute, the UCLA Promise Institute for Human Rights, and the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA