Then & Now Series: Of Supervisors and Sheriffs
Whether you are puzzled by LA County government structures, interested in the history of LA law enforcement, or curious about the County’s emergency operations, our Then & Now min
i-series “Of Supervisors and Sheriffs” provides much needed context.

The first episode, Then & Now’s podcast debut, features former LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky in an informative discussion on the removal of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva from his post as head of the County’s Emergency Operations Center.
The second features Sheriff Villanueva and his take on the tensions between his office and the Board of Supervisors.
The final episode brings in Connie Rice, Esq. and Dr. Raphael Sonenshein, two prominent civic leaders with deep knowledge of Los Angeles political history, to frame the divergent narratives of the previous two episodes.